First start up

First Start up / Getting started

­­­Firtst Start up / Getting started


Getting started / installing the Controller


First Connect, all plugs

Gearbox plug the big one direct to gearbox

Gear Lever Plug to Gear Lever

TPS plug, to TPS sensor

Boost sensor plug.


Then Connect Power

Black to Ground, make sure you have a good connection

Red to 12V Ignition Use an 8 Amp fuse.


Now before starting engine, you have to setup 0% - 100% TPS (Throttle Position Sensor)

PUT “W/S” in W position (if you have the Mercedes Gear Lever)

1.Power up, but do NOT start engine.

2.Press Joystick down to “SETUP”

3.Press Joystick Right, to enter this menu

4.Now you are in SETUP MENU.

5.Press Joystick down until "Setup TPS "

6.Press Joystick Right, to enter this menu

7.Now width 0% TPS press joystick UP

8.Then press throttle to 100% press joystick DOWN

  1. PUT W/S in S position, and do point 1-8 again.


  1. Now press joystick right one more time, then you get to an page called Aggressiveness TPS.

                             If you have standard OM603 and you have around 60% TPS while cruising then set to SLOW

                             If you have Diesel Mekkan pump set to aggressive

                             If you have gasoline and TPS show only 10-15% TPS when cruising, set to aggressive

                             If you have TPS around 35% when cruising then all ok.


Gear Lever (Only if you do not have Mercedes PRND4321 Lever)

PUT “W/S” in W position

1.Power up, but do NOT start engine.

2.Press Joystick down to “SETUP”

3.Press Joystick Right, to enter this menu

4.Now you are in SETUP MENU.

5.Press Joystick down until "Lever Setup "

6.Press Joystick Right, to enter this menu

7.If you have the 10 pin plug in the Gear Lever PRND4321. Press Joystick UP or Down to get “0”

If you have no plug for Gear Lever set to “1”


8.Press Joystick Right to save

  1. PUT W/S in S position, and do point 1-8 again.



For diesel engine Momentum of the engine is if there is mounted a boost sensor ´calculatet by TPS + Boost.

This means if a diesel engine has 250 Nm width no boost, and 100% TPS that gives around 33% momentum. When boost kicks in and boost at 2 bar we then have the rest 66% momentum = 750 Nm

For a Gasoline car it is different here we just only use TPS, 100% TPS is 100% load.


“Setup Parameter” -> “Load - TPS Boost”

Diesel cars where boost sensor is mounted, set it to 2.5 (Default by reset)

Gasoline cars 6 cyl set it to 1.5

Gasoline cars V8 or more set it to 1

When number Change it is saved automatically, no need to press right to save here


“Setup Parameter” -> “Boost Part Load”

Diesel cars where boost sensor is mounted, set it to 33 (Default by reset)

Gasoline cars 6 cul set it to 1

Gasoline cars V8 or more set it to 1

Here you have to press right to save after number is changed to wanted value


Shift Firmness.

When you first drive the car, be weary aware how hard the shifts are at low load.

If all shift are to soft. or to hard

“Shift Firmness” -> "General Firmness"

If shift are to Soft lover the number to get Harder shifts. (Do not change more than +/-2)

If shifts are to Hard higher the number to get softer shifts. (Do not change more than +/-2)


Please be aware that if shifts are to soft, it can give problems that a shift not complete and it stay in the gear it was in. A little to hard shift is always better than a too soft shift.


External Speed / External RPM

The best is to have the controller setup to EXTERNAL SPEED SENSOR.

This controller need a +/- signal min 0.5 V, Like ABS sensor, or other inductive type sensor.


But as many of the old cars do not have any, the controller can work with the speed sensors internal in the gearbox.


“Speed EXT/INT” and another for “RPM EXT/INT”

PUT “W/S” in W position

1.Power up, but do NOT start engine.

2.Press Joystick down to “SETUP”

3.Press Joystick Right, to enter this menu

4.Now you are in SETUP MENU.

5.Press Joystick down until "Speed INT/EXT"  Or  "RPM INT/EXT"

6.Press Joystick Right, to enter the menu

7.Press Joystick up and down to set it to “0” for External “1” for Internal   (Or set to 6 for Max safety) **

8.Press Joystick Right to save

  1. PUT W/S in S position, and do point 1-8 again.


An external speed sensor is absolutely to prefer, as there is some limitation on the internal speed, as the speed cannot be read while shifting.


After connected the External speed sensor, run the car slow 10 km/h and see what the speed says, in “Live Data” if it is not correct adjust in setup menu

"Ext Speed %”

If Mercedes W124 ABS sensor set it to 30


More here


3-4 Shift flaing

Also the 3-4 shift is normally flaring a little, the setting is default set to only do this shift if TPS is lover then 40%, if you do not like this setting

“Setup Parameter” -> “delay 3-4” change setting from -4 to 0


Importend info, if nothing is working, disconnect power from controller and test if you can drive forward and back.

Gearbox will then start in “2 gear” and “high reverse”.  Just to make sure the gearbox is working at all


External Speed continued Set it for best safety

The best is to have the controller setup to EXTERNAL SPEED SENSOR.

This controller need a +/- signal min 0.5 V, Like ABS sensor, or other inductive type sensor.


But as many of the old cars do not have any, the controller can work with the speed sensors internal in the gearbox.


“Speed EXT/INT” and another for “RPM EXT/INT”

PUT “W/S” in W position

1.Power up, but do NOT start engine.

2.Press Joystick down to “SETUP”

3.Press Joystick Right, to enter this menu

4.Now you are in SETUP MENU.

5.Press Joystick down until "Speed INT/EXT"  Or  "RPM INT/EXT"

6.Press Joystick Right, to enter the menu

7.Press Joystick up and down to set it to “0” for External “1” for Internal   (Or set to 6 for Max safety) **

8.Press Joystick Right to save

  1. PUT W/S in S position, and do point 1-8 again.


An external speed sensor is absolutely to prefer, as there is some limitation on the internal speed, as the speed cannot be read while shifting.


After connected the External speed sensor, run the car slow 10 km/h and see what the speed says, in “Live Data” if it is not correct adjust in setup menu

"Ext Speed %”

If Mercedes W124 ABS sensor set it to 30


More here


If you have set it to the value 6, then the speed internal in the gearbox is comparet to the external speed sensor.

That way we are sure the gearbox is always in right gear, and if it is not all shift is locked. And you have to power off and on again.


GOTO “View Live Data” press right on joystick 6 times


The you will see a page like this

EXT :0                 0/0                                                   Show Speed from External sensor

INT :0                 0/0                                                   Show Speed from internal sensors

Sync:1                Time:0mS                                      If Speed in Sync:1 if not in sync 0                     

DIF :0                                                                            DIF is Difference between Internal and External



You can adjust both internal and external speed here

“Setup Parameter” -> “Int Speed %”

“Setup Parameter” -> “EXT Speed %”



How to adjust different map / Pressure sensors

MERCEDES W210 E300 Turbo Diesel Boost Sensor

If you need max 1,65 bar = 25 PSI Then the originally MB boost sensor from a W210 E300 Turbodiesel can be used as it has a standard 0-5 volt output I have only tested this exact type below

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "0 point boost" set it to 305

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "Max boost at 5v" set it to 170


This sensor is shipped with a lot of kit -1 bar to +3 bar

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "0 point boost" set it to 245

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "Max boost at 5v" set it to 350


Brass sensor i deliver today -1 bar to  +2,5 bar pressure, MAP

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "0 point boost" set it to 203

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "Max boost at 5v" set it to 270


Stainless Steel sensor 0 bar to +5 bar pressure, MAP, Oil, Diesel

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "0 point boost" set it to 90

“Boost Control” -> “General Boost” -> "Max boost at 5v" set it to 570

Thread G1/4”



OF Gear ApS

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